
About Team Black:

Team Black is a group of Computer Scientists who have gathered to provide excellent, reliable software. The team was formed in the Winter quarter of 2006-2007. Each member is a current student of the California State Polytechnic University of Pomona and is majoring in Computer Science.  

Team Black is comprised of five elite members:

Myat Chen - Software QA
dot Johnny Dang - Librarian
dot Michael Fontanilla - Backup Programmer / Database Management
dot Tony Huynh - Chief Programmer
dot Calvin Nguyen - Webpage Designer / Coordinator

This project was originally implemented for the completion of Software Engineering. CS 480 is being taught by Dr. Chung Lee. The project was to be completed by a 4 - 6 team person. The project is to be completed by March 8th, 2007.

About the Cal Poly Pomona CS Department:

- Dr. Chung Lee

The Computer Science department conducts both an undergraduate and a graduate program in Computer Science. The undergraduate program offers a dynamic curriculum with a strong emphasis on software design. Students navigate the intricacies of their project-oriented coursework as they learn to design, build, and implement computer software from the ground up. With ongoing input from university partners, the program provides an extensive background in computer programming languages, computer architecture, and the design and application of computer algorithms. Progress through this diverse curriculum leads to concentrated instruction on up-to-the-minute topics such as network security, human computer interaction, wireless communication networks, biomedical informatics, and 3D Game Programming.

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